Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hangin' With The Boys...

I hung out with CJ, Damien and Jalen today while Jake and Kesha went out. We had a great time. As Jalen reported to Jake when they got home "we played lots of games and had lots of fun". It's true, we played Hulk Operation, Don't Wake Daddy (which is the LONGEST game ever... who the hell thought that one up?), and Curious George. Afterward I cooked them dinner while they played Air Hockey with Gramma, who had stopped by to see them. After dinner we played the Wii (of course... Dami is a fiend and I can't resist the dimples... for too long). They were so good to me. My back hurt so bad by this evening and they let me just sit and chill without causing too much trouble. Damien came out with a funny today that made me chuckle (inside). One of the other boys was upset about something that had happened on Mario Kart and of course cries "it's not funny!" Damien tells him "No, it's not funny, it was hilarious!" I had to give him the good sportsmanship brief lecture, chuckling inside all the while. They are so much fun.

My neck, my back...

Okay, so really just my back. I threw it out (again) last night. How? I have no clue. I've been feeling it coming on for the last few days, then last night I was reading in my bed and went to sit up or roll over or something and BAM, there it was! It wasn't nearly as bad as it was the last time. I just slid out of bed, hobbled into the bathroom and took a steaming hot bath at like 1 in the morning. That helped quite a bit, loosening the muscles up. I went to bed after that and when I woke up this morning (er... afternoon) it felt much better and was just a little stiff. Hopefully it will feel better by the time I go back to work on Monday. I guess I'll quit whining now... Lori is coming over in awhile and we're going to name her baby :) I have to get a list started.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

5 Days & a celebration movie

So it has officially been 5 days since I quit smoking. Wow, that's a long time. Cravings come and go, some days much worse than others. Today I had a blissful daydream at Wal-mart of beating the living crap out of some girl standing by the doors just so I could take the last hit of hers. Luckily for her I was distracted by the guy walking around the parking lot with a sledge hammer (WTF???). Needless to say I kept a weary eye on him as I headed inside. At Walmart I picked up two copies of Twilight (one for Kesha and one for myself) and thought for one hot minute that I might find the movie Life (Sha-right! They had Friday and Kings of Comedy, why do they refuse to carry this movie... if any of my urban area readers would like to take pity and mail it my way when you come across it, I would love you forever!) but no such luck on that front. Then as I head back out to my car, foaming at the mouth after staring racks of Marlboro Lights in the eye for 10 minutes in the checkout line, the freakin' guy with the hammer is walking around banging on all the handicap signs! Really, WTF??? Did it bitch slap him when he got out of his Pinto or something?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Once a lush, always a lush...

So I'm having a random "remember that" night on Napster as I make a new playlist. I've found this awesome website that has playlists for everything. I started out on the hip-hop workout playlist and those 25 songs have spiraled into about 50 (so far) which includes such favorites as:
  • I love your smile-Shanice
  • Touch me, tease me- Case
  • Tennessee & Mr Wendel- Arrested Development
  • Good Vibrations- Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Granted most of those didn't make the workout playlist but still, good times. I've been laughing my ass off for like the last 3 hours as I shifted through the late 80s early 90s music (such as Looking for a New love by Jody Watley that is currently playing).

Even funnier... I'm making a list (of course) in an old creative writing notebook from high school and found this poem tucked inside...

Jose Cuervo

Jose Cuervo,
the magical drink.
The more you drink the less you think.
The less you think, the stupider you act.
The stupider you act the more you drink.
The endless cycle goes 'round and 'round,
until you fall upon the ground.
To the porcelain Gods you pray,
wishing everyone would go away.
After awhile you gain a new friend,
You welcome him, Oblivion.

HAHAHAHA! I have a sneaking suspicion I was either trashed or hungover when this sweet little gem was written (and apparently the validity of a word made noooo difference). Funny now that the mere mention of Cuervo sends a shudder down my spine and makes me gag!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Birthday Recap...

We had a really good time for Boogie's birthday. We went to Pirate Island Pizza (kinda like a knock-off Rainforest Cafe but Pirate ship theme). While we waited for our order we headed over into the arcade. The boys are lethal with the ski balls! Dami and Jalen were playing side by side and nearly took each other out twice! CJ ended up hitting BANK with one big Wheel of Fortune looking game and won 1000 tickets. All together I think they earned about 1200+ and each got a light-up foam sword. There was also a little play center there and Jalen fell/jumped off of one of the cannons. He retold the story to gramma and did a hilarious reenactment for her. I tried to get him to do it again for the video camera and asked him "Boog, how did you scream when you fell off the cannon?" thinking he would do it again. Instead he answered "Like a Girl" hahahaha! I was weak! His real party is on Saturday and that should be fun as well. I'm sure I'll post the pictures from that too :)

***Sorry about the sideways video, I couldn't figure out how to rotate it***

Happy Birthday Boogyman!

Look who turned 4 today! Love you bud!

49 Hours...

I'm actually a little surprised I've made it this long and it has been as easy as it has (***knock on wood... please, please, PLEASE don't let it get any harder***). I had the brief thought today I can just go buy ONE prime time (which isn't after all cheating because it's a cigar (I know, I'm full of crap excuses), then immediately had the thought 'Well yeah, but then you'd just have to start all over again'. Progress, no?

Today is also the first day since god knows when that I haven't left my house. That's right, not at all. I have not driven ANYWHERE. Mainly this is for 2 reasons.

  • #1 I'm afraid if I leave my house I will be tempted to cheat. I live in a 2 mile radius of 4 gas stations that are screaming my name, waiting for me to fail. (Eerily the gas stations have the same voice as the freaky twins from The Shining... Come and play with us Danny, Danny, come and play with us).
  • #2 I will HAVE to go to one of said gas stations whenever I gain the courage to venture out. My car is on E so to get anywhere I will have to pass that temptation first. Here's to hoping I don't come back from that to post a big, fat fail.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Are They Tryin' To Kill Me?

So about 10 minutes ago I decided to log into my bank website just to check things out (i.e. put off sleep for another 15 minutes or so) and OH MY FREAKING GOD it was all jacked up. The statement showed that the account had been overdrawn on and off for the last two months and I seriously freaked the fuck out! I was just in there a week ago and everything was absolutely fine, didn't show any of this (and for the record, I think my account has been overdrawn like twice in the 8 years that I've had it and never by more than like $20... this was talking like $300 & showing that my car payment hadn't come out yet). Anyway, so I work myself into a heart pounding bitch-fit and look the thing over, staring the clock down waiting for it to be time for the bank to open so I can figure out what the hell is going on. Then, I sign out of the account because I am damn near hyperventilating and can't stand to look at it anymore. For whatever reason I decided to log back in almost immediately (seriously like 45 seconds later) and everything was FINE!!!! It was like everything had been a bad hallucination. I did notice that some things were shown as processed instead of in progress so maybe I just logged in while they were doing the withdrawals and deposits on my particular account and it was jacked up for that moment. But FREAKIN' A, don't these people know that I just quit smoking YESTERDAY! Don't they know my heart is under ENOUGH strain today.... I don't freakin' need this shit today! It's a conspiracy, they're tryin' to kill me. If you'll excuse me now, I'm off in search of the nearest defibrillator to jump start my heart again.

24 Hours...

It's official, I've gone 24 entire freaking hours without any nicotine and even more, without being particularly unpleasant to anyone. Of course, I've been afraid to leave my house, therefore haven't SEEN anyone, but that's beside the point. So yeah 24 hours... this should be getting easier right. Mmm, yeah, not so much. Today actually hasn't been bad up until the last two hours or so. Right now I have tremors that feel like little jolts of electricity racing up and down the back of my calves, trying to shock my ass out of bed and down to the nearest gas station. I think it's the utter boredom of the middle of the night. I am soooo a creature of habit, and driving mindlessly in circles for hours a night has been my HABIT for years... now I guess it's time to find a new habit. Hopefully one that won't kill me in the long run and cost me an OBSCENE amount of $$$ in gas. Anuhea suggested sleep... go figure at 2 a.m., sleep... is it possible? Do people really do that before the wee hours of the morning? I think I'm heading toward reading. I'm getting to the good part of an awesome book (A Perfect Evil By Alex Kava for those of you looking for an awesome mystery to read) so that should keep my attention for awhile. I'm also contemplating playing Mario Kart Wii, thinking maybe I can trick myself into thinking I'm actually driving, therefore rid myself of the tremors, which are getting really freakin' old REALLY fast! But I guess I'm going to do SOMETHING because laying here isn't enough. Stay tuned for my eminent failure... whose freakin' idea was this anyway???

Monday, March 16, 2009

16 Hours...

and counting. Yeah, I decided that to quit smoking would be a GREAT way to spend my spring break. I can already feel the determination wavering. This sucks ass! I apologize in advance to all the people I make cry over the next few days... if I make it that long.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sweet Baby Kalena

Anuhea and BJ brought their sweet baby girl down to visit. Of course we had to have a little photo shoot... is she not the sweetest thing? Love those cheeks!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just for Wes...

1,2-ICE is comin' for you
3,4- don't open the door
5,6- forge some papers quick
7,8- hury jump the gate
9,10- shit, deported again ;)

okay, so we got a little bored at the softball game last night... :D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yep... definitely going to hell

So in honor of my 100th post I have to admit a grave sin...

Today I encouraged one of my little boys in class sing the "coming to a bridge" part of the Bear Hunt song like 5 times because he says "bitch" instead of "bridge". I laughed hysterically every single time. It's official... I am a horrible person (and also perpetually 12 years old) and am going straight to hell... do not pass go, and getting baptised at the last moment won't save you. But I don't care who you are, you know you would have laughed too.