Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ballerina and a 'Broken' arm

Lia will be starting dance class tomorrow. How freakin' cute is she?

Today Aiden fell up the stairs at Gramma's house and "broke" his arm. His "cast" is made of athletic tape that Gramma wrapped around his arm to appease him.

Annie sent me this picture of Kole-man today and I love it! He's getting so big. (And I don't recall seeing him in a shirt since they've moved ;) He's gone country!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Maybe coming home?

So suddenly "I'll be home for Christmas" is playing in my head. I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway. My mom just passed along the information that my grandma really wants me to come home to visit (it has been three years since the last time I was in VA!) and is willing to pay for my ticket if I can find the time. Well I have a week off in November and two weeks off in December, so I'm really hoping for December. That way I'd be there for Christmas and for New Years (Though I have to admit the details of the last new years I had there are a little blurry and my doctor says I really need to cut back on the alcohol consumption). But even a sober New Years in VA is better than a drunk off my ass one here... especially since Annie, Keith, Jake and Kesha won't be here this year... that severely cuts down on my buddies to party with anyway. So yeah, here's hoping for December that I'll be able to finally make it back home.

So Freaking Excited...

Rediculously excited actually about the season 3 premier of Dexter in approximately 18ish hours. It is another of my obsessions that unfortunately you will have to suffer through with me. I don't watch much t.v., so the fact that I watch this show religiously every. single. week should tell you something about how awesome it is! Nothing to peek my interest like a serial psychopath, yet somehow lovable, murderer.

Last night I stumbled upon a Dexter game on the showtime web page where you play Dexter and hurl black trash bags full of dismembered body parts into the ocean. The goal is in 3 tries to beat the distance of the leading scorer. I sucked at this game but it was strangely addictive. Any who, I'm off to play more mobsters... wish me luck on getting my marina tonight :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A New Baby...

Not technically a member of the Schultz clan, but close enough. Jake's 'adopted brother' Tim and his wife Erin just had their first baby, Kayla, tonight. She is BEAUTIFUL. Her Auntie Erin (Tim's sister) was awesome enough to post some pictures of her for all the far away family.

I love the way they are gazing at each other. Of course when mom saw this (and all of the pictures) she couldn't contain her 'happy tears'. Tim and the rest of his clan have been extended family for as long as I can remember and we're happy to be adding a new little one. Congrats to Tim and Erin, she's gorgeous!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Especially for the Singlers...

I know Avery misses her boys... so here they are... all hopped up on coffee and no-doze:

Coffee and No-Doze from Jen Schultz on Vimeo.

Who needs music? from Jen Schultz on Vimeo.

Missin' Cousins from Jen Schultz on Vimeo.

Coffee and No-Doze pt 2 from Jen Schultz on Vimeo.

Could he be any freaking cuter?

Jalen oozes charm like no other human being I have ever seen:


Last night I watched Jake and Kesha's boys for a few hours so they could go to some work thing Jake had. As soon as I pulled up they came flying out of the house like a swarm of bees and as they climbed all over my car, begged me to play UNO with them. Lucky for them, UNO is one of my favorite games... and I happen to kick ass! So after delaying long enough to take care of Mobsters (yes still hittin' that site like a crack pipe) we settled into play a couple games.

Dami looks like he's up to something:

I think his poker face might need a little work...

CJ says bring it!

Making his move... with the distracting whirlwind Jalen behind him :)

I'm rather ashamed to admit that I was worked not once, but twice by a seven year old! CJ is the UNO master. And it doesn't hurt that he inherited his daddy's cheating ways.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I swear, I'm one all-nighter away from needing a Mobsters intervention. Here it is 1:45 in the morning and I literally can not make myself turn off this damn computer and go to bed. Why does the middle of the night have to be the best time to play this game? I have seriously made over 2 million dollars in about 2 hours. How? Because everyone else in their right mind is asleep and aaaallllllll their money is piling up just waiting for me to take it.

Yeah, My name is Jen and I'm an addict.
And they thought crack was bad.

Now just so I don't feel like such a loser, lets talk about my day at work. My very long day at work. One of the girls in another class called in and another one had to leave before school even started because her baby got sick. That meant that one of us had to go over to help out in the other classroom. Which meant that no one got a break allllll day long. Not that it was that bad during the actual school day, I love working with the kids and am always bored when I have prep time... but holy crap there was soooo much to do today and no one had time to do it so we were scrambling around trying to get everything done in the fifteen minutes between when our kids leave and it's quiting time for us. By the time I got home i was sooooo tired. And yet, here I still sit at almost two in the morning playing this damn game and I can't make myself stop.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Quite possibly a new low...

Attempting to play mobsters in the bathtub. And I say attempting because I couldn't get a signal in there... had I been able to, my ass would still be chillaxin' in the bubbles. I guess the good news is that in my attempt I didn't get electrocuted... that's always a good thing right?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

That's My Boy

That's my boy! I will make him into a baseball player even if I have to coach him over the phone :) I talked to him on the phone this afternoon and what did he have to say? "I want Elmo" thanks bud, I love you too :)


A. Attached or single? Single
B. Best friend? Ramsey and my sisters
C. Cake or pie? Cake... but only with butter cream frosting
D. Day of choice? Saturday.
E. Essential item? My car
F. Favorite colour? baby blue/ navy blue
G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy worms
H. Hometown? Norfolk, VA
I. Favorite indulgence? brownies... but not with icing
J. January or July? July.
K. Kids? maybe someday. Of course Lori thinks i should just have one ;)
L. Life isn’t complete without? Family... well the cool ones ;)
M. Marriage date? Probably the 12th of never
N. Number of magazine subscriptions: None
O. Oranges or apples? oranges
P. Phobias? crowds, heights, spiders... i'm sure there are more
Q. Quotes? If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever” and "Promise me that you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave."
R. Reasons to smile? having good friends and family all wrapped into one
S. Season of choice? Fall... too bad it only lasts about 2 weeks around here
T. Tag 5 people... If you're reading this, it means you!
U. Unknown fact about me? I'm addicted to Food Network shows but hate to cook ;)
V. Vegetable? cucumber, corn, sauteed squash, and potatoes
W. Worst habit? Driving around in mindless circles every night
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Can I pick neither... i hate doctors
Y. Your favorite foods? McDonalds, blue crab, stuffed mushrooms, Alberto's chicken quesadillas
Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer

Saturday, September 20, 2008

One-pitch tournament

We had a lot of fun in the one pitch tournament. They won the first two games, lost the third, won the fourth then lost the fifth and were done. Five games in less than four and a half hours. I think the longest break they had was about half an hour, they played back to back the whole day. There was almost little altercation involving LA Times... who at 5'6 decides he want to go 'discuss' something with some looud mouth in the stands... with his bat. No worries though, nothing went down. As usual, people out here will talk a lot of shit until a real ghetto kid turns around to do something about it... they usually back down pretty quick at that point. Damn ghetto kids, can't take em nowhere ;)

I watched my nephew's during the games and they did really great, there was a lot of open grass right beside our field and the playground was right behind us so I could sit in the stands and watch the game but could turn around and count them ;) The funny thing was that the playground equipment was green and Boogie was wearing a green camo shirt... he kept blending in and I would search for him thinking 'where the hell is that kid' and he was usually in plain view on the slide or something. I know, I'm a ditz some days, I come by it honestly.

Damn Batting Cages...

**** This is actually last nights post but blogger was being a dick and wouldn't let me upload****

So Dad and Jake and a bunch of our softball guys are playing in a one-pitch tornament this weekend (each batter gets one pitch... you either strike out, hit or walk) and we decided to go to the batting cage to get a few swings in. I didn't even consider taking my bat bag as Jake had the bats that I usually use. However, he does not have the batting GLOVES that I usually use. So yeah, now I'm sporting two huge blisters, one on each hand... it makes driving very pleasant let me tell ya! But despite the blisters we had fun. I even took a video of Jake hitting to send to Keith... we will miss him tomorrow :(

Later (around 11) I got a text from a friend I haven't seen in about 2 years asking if I wanted to go shopping with her. With only a slight hesitation (I have a hard time leaving mobsters still) I agreed, thinking it would be nice to get out of the house. We had a great time wandering around the store, catching up on all the shit we've missed in each other's lives. Afterward we went back to her house where we sat and talked until 3 a.m. (And this is saying something as I'm not usually a huge talker). I laughed harder than I have in a long time. Who better to bring out a good mood than someone who knows all of your (horribly embarrassing) dirty little secrets and has no problem reminding you of what idiots we used to be.

So now it's just after 4 a.m. and of course I had to come home and check in on my mobsters. People always seem to wait to jack me until I'm not home. Tonight I only got jacked once in the 4+ hours I was gone (bastard got $109 from me) so that's not too bad. Usually there are four or five people that I have to go track down. Yes, still obsessed... sorry, it's a sickness.

Anyway here are some pictures (and Jake's video):

Milkman in the cage... from JennyRyan on Vimeo.

Friday, September 19, 2008


how it works: Use the first letter of your first name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things - nothing made up. You can not use your own name for the boy/girl names.
1. What is your name? Jennifer
2. A 4 letter word: Jump
3. A vehicle: Jaguar
4. A city: Jacksonville
5. A boy's name: Jacob
6. A girl's name: Jailynn
7. Dessert: Jungle Juice ???
8. An occupation: Juggler
9. Something you wear: Jewelery
10. A celebrity: Justin Timberlake
11. Food: Jam
12. Something found in a bathroom: Jeans (at least on the floor in mine)
13. Reason for being late: Just got pulled over :)
14. Something you shout: JESUS!! (to which annie always tells me 'it's not his fault' :)
15. An animal: Jaguar
16. A body part: Joint
17. Word to describe yourself: Jubilant

I tag Annie and Lori :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A fun family night...

Tonight Dad and I went over to Jake and Kesha's house to see CJ on his birthday. We introduced Paw-Paw to the Wii system (crossing my fingers one will appear under my Christmas tree) and now he's hooked. I'm sure that the golf game had something to do with it. Damien was all smiles as he WORKED Paw-Paw in bowling. And I mean bad... by like 50 points. Jalen and I bowled as well and even though I couldn't quite bring myself to throw a game to a three year old, I could take advantage of the fact that he can't read :) He was so excited when the game ended and we whooped and hollered and told him that he'd won.

I also discovered that I am not the only one who has a Mobster obsession. Jake has got it as well. We sat on the couch for quite a while going over strategy and who we need to ice when we get a little more power built up. A perfect family bonding moment.
Kesha lifted my spirits as well by informing me that the new Harry Potter movie release has actually been pushed back to next spring which means my loyalties won't be tested with my two favorite series' movies releasing on the same day. She also read me a memorable Keith quote that will surely go down in family history: (As reported from Annie)

Keith asked me how long to cook the grilled cheese sandwiches and I said, "Just turn 'em over when they're brown." His response? "Brown like Kesha or brown like Jalen?" ;)


I can't believe that he is 7! This little 4 pound baby is all grown up (at least if you ask him :) He's smart, funny and handsome and I love him to pieces! Happy Birthday big boy!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Mobsters is down for maintenance! Now I'm bored and will actually have to do something constructive... or maybe I'll just go eat dinner and watch the Challenge Simpson Movie Cake's episode that is currently awaiting me on our DVR menu. Mmm.... yes, that sounds like a good plan. Hopefully things will be back up by the time I come back... I still seeking revenge on a few people :)


Holy freaking crap! Someone sent me an application for the Myspace game Mobsters a few weeks ago and I didn't really think anything of it and didn't join right away but then a few days ago Jake sent me another one. So I started playing last night and holy crap I am obsessed with this game! I played from about 10:30 last night until after 4 this morning, knowing damn well that I had to get up and go to work this morning. The first thing I did when I got home was jump on to play some more, only to find out that several people had taken advantage while I was at work and kicked my freakin' ass. Vindictive ghetto chick that I am, I had to go back through one by one and get them back... I'm from VA baby, ain't nobody gonna punk me :) I had to text everyone a picture of my new obsession, only to have Jake write back almost immediately saying that he was playing right then too. Then we found out that we'd both lost fights to the same guys gang, so we had to mark him for a future hit... when my mobster gets out of the hospital from having his ass royally kicked :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I just realized that the Twilight and the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movies will be released the same night! WTF is up with that? It's just wrong to make me choose between my two favorite series'. Of course Twilight (which I have my fingers crossed will be rated R) will win out, but still! Why do I wish it to be rated R? Because about 98% (well maybe 96% now) of the population out here is LDS and they don't see rated R movies... which means that might lessen the number of shrill teenage girls I would have to deal with on opening night. With the Harry Potter movies I usually either see them REALLY late at night or on Sundays just to avoid some of the crowd. Yes we all know I have social anxiety issues, I've just found my own special way to deal with them :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reason #10,378...

that I am a complete dumb ass...

So I got a new phone this weekend and needed some new pictures for my screen savers. I sent out a mass text message telling everyone that the first to send me a picture would have the honors. The first picture I receive is this one of baby Kole...

So I send Annie a text saying... Hey those are my boobs... do you happen to have one with my face in it? She replies with a what? and thinking I mistyped something, I send the message again and we exchange several text messages about me not having any pictures with the kids because I'm always the one with the camera.

Fast forward about 2 hours...
I go looking back through my phone for a different picture mail and spot my rather embarrassing mistake. The picture of Kole was from Amber. No wonder Annie had no idea what the hell I was talking about! I can just see her face after getting a random text message saying 'hey those are my boobs...' I'm sure she was a little concerned about exactly what type of pictures I was exchanging... but I swear, honest mistake ;)

Oh God...

So tonight, out of curiosity, I hit the "Next Blog" button on my blogger tool bar. The blog after mine was for an all girls chess camp. Please tell me these things are not rated by number of views... I may just have to put myself out of my misery ;) Chess camp? all girls chess camp? geeze at least with co-ed you could get the "and this one time at chess camp..." stories :)

Sorry so boring...

I have a job I can't say much about, I don't go anywhere and hardly see anyone... not the most conductive lifestyle for entertaining posts :) However, I did spend the night with my cousin's little girl Kaylee last night while she and her husband went down to Vegas for their anniversary. We had a pretty fun night watching Spongebob Square Pants and playing games on Noggin.com... aren't you sooooo envious of my kick-ass single lifestyle ;) Here are some pictures from our sleepover :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

What's in a name?

Hmm... I don't know how accurate this name thing is, but what the hell it's Friday night, I'm babysitting (as she currently is lying in bed singing even at 10:30... and now calling my name) and bored as hell, so why not?

What Jennifer Means

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.

You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.

You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.

You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.

Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.