Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Spiderman and "Little Frankie"

It was seriously sooo cute! However, "Little Frankie" was not a fan of the trick-or-treating (or more so the "strangers" involved in the trick-or-treating.

Posted by JennyRyan at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Avery, good times, halloween, Jalen, scrapbook, work
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Posted by JennyRyan at 12:26 AM 2 comments
Labels: fun stuff, good times
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
At 23 years old do I continue to fight sleep like a fucking 2 year old???? I have been mindlessly wandering to every corner of the freaking Internet for the past 3 hours and have been exhausted the whole freaking time! I mean exhausted to the point that my eyes are crossing and my stomach hurts! And what am I going to do now? Turn off the computer and read at least another chapter in a book I have already read twice! I'm such a freaking idiot. And yes, I will regret being up this late in the morning when I have to drag my sorry ass out of bed to go to work!
Posted by JennyRyan at 1:21 AM 1 comments
Labels: I'm the crazy one
Monday, October 27, 2008
So glad I went...
So I almost chickened out of going to the event tonight. It was at the park at the end of our street and I walked down there by myself, saw the crowd of people, turned right back around and went home. I texted one of the other girls I work with and asked if she was still planning to go. She was so I had her just come to my house and we walked down there together. A third lady that works with me showed up just a few minutes after we got there. I am so glad I went. His mother was so glad that we came to support him. I could see that she was being pulled in a thousand different directions and trying to feed our little guy dinner all at the same time so I volunteered to feed him so she could go. I was so happy that he was glad to see me. He was sitting in a stroller and kept trying to pull himself up my leg... (which with ketchup/hot dog juice covered hands left me smelling delicious I might add). But we had a good time and I'm glad that I went. So until later... Holla!
Posted by JennyRyan at 7:25 PM 4 comments
Labels: work
In other news, there is an Autism Awareness event being held tonight for a child I know and I am soooo excited for it. And anyone who knows me knows that this is big because I am never excited for ANY social situation. I hope the event goes well and I'm anxious to see who shows up to support he and his family.
And again I'll close with some cute kids :) Aiden back when he was occasionally quiet for longer than .000085 milliseconds.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lots of stuff...
First and foremost, a belated birthday shout out to Keith! ( I texted him the next day but he was too cool to reply!) Anyway Happy Birthday! I love you and miss you (and Bobby Light) like CRAZY!Second, by the time I get home from work on Monday I will finally have MY OWN wireless (so I can stop jacking the neighbors and getting booted off every 15 !@#3ing minutes! Whoooo-hoooo! However I will be using that internet to start looking for a part-time job (boooooo!).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
that I'll wake up in the morning and today will have just been a bad dream.
Posted by JennyRyan at 2:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: shitty days
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Ultimate 'Kids Say the Funniest Things'
So I promised I wouldn't say which kid it was, but I'll give you a hint... he's 3, looks just like Curious George, and is the funniest preschooler I have ever met. Anyway, his mom and I are playing MarioKart on the Wii tonight and out of nowhere he busts out with 'Mom, what the hell are you doing?' HAHAHAHAHA!!!! It was seriously so hard not to laugh hysterically 1) I know it's not good for him to think that word is funny, but DAMN and 2) curling into a ball to avoid peeing on myself would have caused me to crash and loose... which I was not willing to do. But I don't care who you are, that there is funny :)
Posted by JennyRyan at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
It might be time...
to step away from the Mobsters for a bit. It seriously caused me to hyperventilate today. As I type my chest is still tight with anxiety (of course that could be due to the fact that I have forgotten to take my anxiety meds for A WEEK straight! I know I'm completely irresponsible, what can I say?) and my heart is still pounding. What had happened was… :P…
I withdrew $40,000,000 from the bank to buy a casino and then the damn thingAfterward I thought to myself, ’self, seriously stop freaking the fuck out. you are completely too obsessed with this game and need to take a step back before you give yourself a massive fucking heart-attack!!!! You are far too young for this degree of craziness' So yes, I'm on temporary hiatus from mobsters until my anxiety meds can kick back in and do their happy pill magic (i.e. make my crazy ass not freak out over imaginary circumstances). Until later ;)
freezes up! I tried to refresh it and got the 'sorry mobsters is down for
maintenance... if you're bored try heroes'. My reaction is of course 'FUCK
HEROS, some S.O.B. is gonna jack the 40 million I just withdrew and didn't
spend’. So after shutting the whole computer down I was finally able to
get back in and purchase my casino.
J (I’ve become the crazy one) Sho
Posted by JennyRyan at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: I'm the crazy one, mobsters
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Nothing like the smell of dog shit at three o'clock in the morning. Mmmhmm that's right, Sadie, beautiful yellow lab that she is, crapped in her bed tonight. Not that it was her fault, they must have forgotten to let her back out after we put her in when it started to rain... at five-thirty. Poor dog. But yeah, so I'm upstairs minding my own business and doing what every other normal, well balanced, red-blooded American does at three in the morning... checking up on mobsters of course, when I hear her barking like crazy downstairs. (She never barks at night... never! We have to wake her up in the morning to go outside!) I go down to see what the hell her problem is and as soon as I hit the kitchen I can smell it... oh great. So I go let her out of her bed in our mud room and she bolts for the back door. I had to push the 50 pounds of shit mom had piled on top of her cage onto the floor and drag that big S.O.B. cage outside into the 40 degree night and hose it down, then towel it dry, find her a new blanket and carry that big ass cage downstairs into the family room (because I didn't feel like picking up all that crap I had pushed off the cage in the first place) and get it all set up. Then I had to drag my dog (who had been whining at the back door... yea, so sorry SHE was inconvenienced...) into the bathroom and give her a bath at 3:30. Of course I had no idea where the dog shampoo was so now she smells powder fresh because I washed her with baby shampoo :) Lucky for me she looooovveeesss water and stood perfectly still through the whole thing. Um yeah, definitely sleeping til like 5 tomorrow evening :)
Posted by JennyRyan at 4:04 AM 3 comments
Labels: dog, shitty days
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Holy crap, where did this cold come from? I swear yesterday it was around 85, today I wake up and it is in the 50s! What the hell, we live in the desert, it is not supposed to be this cold... especially in October!
In other news, I have officially lost the Auntie of the year award! I completely forgot about Damien's birthday party today! I went over there tonight to see him and as sweet as he is, he assured me that "it's okay you missed my party, you can come to the next one". I just had to squeeze him, I fully expected his feelings to be hurt. So instead of being at his birthday party, we had a Wii party tonight and had a lot of fun. He got Mario Kart for his birthday and we all had a blast playing it (although there were some tears when someone didn't win and Damien got a little frustrated with Aiden because he kept driving his character into the water, thinking it was hilarious.) After the kids went to bed Jake and I got serious and played 3 sets (4 races each set) Kesha ended up recording it with her web cam on her laptop so I might have to post that when she sends it to me... I might have to screen it for language first :) Competitive... NOOOOOO not me :)
I have some pictures of our "Wii Party" tonight that I'll post a little later when I get them uploaded.
Friday, October 10, 2008
More b-day boy pictures
Blogger wouldn't let me upload all the pictures I wanted earlier, so here are a few more of baby Dami:
Posted by JennyRyan at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Dami!
Go Dami, it's your birthday... get busy. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! That's right, Damien is turning 6 today! I know, I can't believe it either, what a big boy, where did the time go? I love you bud, hope you have a great day!
And in honor of his birthday, Damien will be the subject of today's 'remember that' old skool picture:
Posted by JennyRyan at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: babies, Birthday, Damien, old skool pics
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Another night at Jake and Kesha's...
I swear I'll have to move in soon :) I freakin' love these kids... they make me laugh alllll the time. I spent a couple of hours with the boys tonight while she went to the store to pick up a few last minute things for Dami's birthday party this weekend. We played UNO (again) and watched Lilo and Stitch. Kesha told me a freakin' hilarious story that nearly had me peeing my pants. And then I got her hooked on (an awesome free cell phone ringer site for those of you that have never heard of it... trust me, go check it out). I seriously spent like 3 hours on this website the other day downloading ringers for everyone. The final list...
- Jake- Chris Tucker's "I know you don't smoke weed..." scene from friday.
- Kesha- Rob & Big Theme song
- Annie- Sweet Home Alabama
- Keith- Bobby Light "Dirty Girl" song from Rob & Big
- Amber- Little shop of horrors theme song
- Smitty- Will Farrell's "We're goin' streaking..." scene from Old School
- Dad- Hail to the Redskins
- ramsey- Peanut Butter Jelly song (and you know why :)
- Lori- Napoleon Dynamite "Whatever I feel like I wanna say/Ninja moves" scene
- General Ring- Halloween theme
I downloaded a couple more that I haven't decided who I'm going to assign them too yet, they were just too funny not to get.
- Bernie Mac- "To get some milk & cookies" comedy skit
- Justin Timberlake- My dick in a box
- Wizard of oz- Lollipop kids song
- Friday- You got knocked the fuck out!
- Friday- Fired on your day off scene
- Friday- Bernie Mac "Mrs. Parker" scene
- Fight Club rules
there were a ton more I wanted... I'm sure I'll have to go back for some more :)
Posted by JennyRyan at 9:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: baby sitting, cell phone ringers
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Random 'Remember that' Picture Post
A few of the family pictures we had taken the day before Dad moved out here to Utah. Of course we didn't know that less than 3 years later we would all be out here. (Well for awhile anyway until Annie and Keith bailed :) You know we still love you ;)
Posted by JennyRyan at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Baby Blockade and an oldskool pic...
38 Random things about me...
A fun email survey I got from Amber.
38 random things about me
1. Do you like blue cheese? cheese is not supposed to be green and hairy
2. Have you ever smoked? Yes.
3. Do you own a gun? Yes (scary thought, huh)
4. What flavor Kool-Aid was your favorite? Red
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes... i go over the possibilities of what horribly embarrassing, private no one should ever know question he is going to ask me next.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? MMMM!!!!
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Miracle on 34th street (the newer one) and A Christmas Story (really who doesn't love that movie?)
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? apple juice or Caramel Macchiato
9. Can you do push-ups? Yes but probably not right :)
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My Celtic worry ring or the mother-of-pearl bear print necklace dad brought me his first trip to Alaska
11. Favorite hobby? mobsters... oh that's not a hobby just a sad addiction.... alright, reading then
12. Do you have A.D.D.? A.D.H.D at that
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? I said 'what' when someone asks me a question... then answer it before they can repeat themselves
14. Middle name? I have two Ryan and Desolena (thanks mom & dad... I couldn't spell my whole freaking name until I was like 12)
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
1. I love the sound and smell of rain
2. I have royally screwed my sleep schedule this weekend
3. I wonder if my territory has paid off again in mobsters yet
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, some type of juice, milk
17. Current worry? Shit, i forgot to pick up my new happy pill prescription again!
18. Current hate right now? The sound of the alarm clock <---- ditto to that Amber
19. Favorite place to be? at Jake's house with all the rest of the black sheep... oh and Annie and Keith... the 'good ones'
20. How did you bring in the New Year? I got stupid drunk with my brother and sisters and had a Dance Revolution tournament. <---- yes and it was sooooo fun!
21. Where would you like to go? Scotland and Ireland to see the old castles
22. Name three people who will complete this. Annie, Lori and Ramsey
23. Do you own slippers? Yes, Eeyore ones that Ramsey bought me... but mom jacked them a few months ago
24. What shirt are you wearing? Mmm... you don't want to know the answer to this
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets ? don't care one way or another
26. Can you whistle? yes
27. Favorite color? baby blue and navy blue
28. Would you be a pirate? No, I get sea sick. But I wouldn't mind being captured by one and used as a ... yeah we won't get into that particular fantasy ;) Yes I've I'll blame that on the Pirate and the Pagan
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower... but i do loudly (and badly) in my car
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Aislynn
31. Favorite boy's name? it changes daily (Jackson, Grayson, Jacob, James.... there are lots of boy names I like :)
32. What's in your pocket right now? don't have pockets right now earlier I had a pencil in there (yes seriously)
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Annie telling me that Avery saw a donkey at the zoo then started looking for Shrek... and that Koley thought everything was a puppy at the zoo :)
34. What is your favorite food? Kesha's buffalo chicken dip (*enter homer simpson drool here*)
35. Worst injury you've ever had? I broke a bone in my hand during a softball game and didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to be taken out :) And I had a 3rd degree sprain in my ankle when I was about 11 that never healed right.
36. Do you love where you live? Very rarely. I love *some* of the people where I live... okay like 5 people... but a good five :)
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 6 i think
38. Who is your loudest friend? Its a toss up, they're all pretty loud
Posted by JennyRyan at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Miss You Annie!!!
Posted by JennyRyan at 11:09 PM 1 comments
It's Contagious...
Jalen had the best toothless baby grin EVER! I bust up every time I see this picture... I don't care who you are... that there's funny!
P.S.- Its 5:20 in the morning, I'm the only person up for blocks. It's silent, my windows are open and I'm listening to the rain... LOVIN' IT! If only I could always feel this peaceful.
Posted by JennyRyan at 5:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
First Attempt...
So I decided recently (okay when I was bored off my ass at 4 o'clock this afternoon) that perhaps I should take up digital scrapping (scrapbooking for those not in the know ;) How did I come to this conclusion? Because besides giving me something to do, I have 1,309,083,098 pictures that I've taken over the last 4 years or so and frankly, I'm tired of spending a shitload of $$$ on paper and glue. So anyway, I looked up a couple tutorials and a few free kits and this is my first attempt... This is one of my favorite pictures of Koley... he was about 5 weeks here. I guess he really does take after his uncle Jake ;)
***And before I admit to what a dumb ass I am, lets see who can spot where I messed up and had to fix it***
Posted by JennyRyan at 11:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: babies, digital scrapbooking, Kole
Okay, so while I was bidding my time playing mobsters waiting for my stamina to come back up I stumbled across the Picnik website. It's a free photo editing software, kinda like Picasa, but you don't have to download anything to your computer... plus it's got some cool actions and is really easy to use. Anyway, just thought I'd share for anyone who takes lots of digital pictures like me :) Here are a few that I piddled around with tonight (again waiting for my stamina to build up ;) They all started out as camera phone pictures and I think you've seen most of them, but here they are anyway with a new twist :)
Posted by JennyRyan at 1:58 AM 0 comments