So in the preschool I work in, we have morning kids and afternoon kids. The afternoon kids don't come on Friday so they wore their costumes today so we could practice trick-or-treating (just in our building going around to the different classrooms to get them ready for tomorrow night). One of our little boys got off the school bus wearing one of the padded spiderman costumes (Like Jalen's here:)....
And oh I almost died from the cuteness. I got my hands wet and tousled his hair so he had that windblown spidy look :) It was great. Our other little guy was Frankenstein or "Little Frankie" as he called it. (no this isn't him, just the costume... isn't it cute :)

It was seriously sooo cute! However, "Little Frankie" was not a fan of the trick-or-treating (or more so the "strangers" involved in the trick-or-treating.

It was seriously sooo cute! However, "Little Frankie" was not a fan of the trick-or-treating (or more so the "strangers" involved in the trick-or-treating.
Tomorrow night for our trick-or-treating Jake, Kesha & the boys (and probably Amber, Smitty & their kids) are coming over to gramma's like always and we'll go trick-or-treating together. Lori is bringing Kaylee over to come with us this year. It should be lots of fun. We will miss having Annie and Keith this year... it's the first Halloween without them here (so you'd better take lots of pictures of them in their costumes!!!!) Which reminds me, I'd better get my camera stuff out and charging tomorrow morning so it will be ready for the big night :) I promise I'll post pictures as soon as I can :)
And of course, what would a post be without my newest scrapbook page. Here's Avery's... (and if you haven't noticed, yes I'm taking turns so that all of the kids will have the same amount at any given time :)

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