Tonight Mom, Dad and I went out to Tuachan to see Thriller. It was sooo good. (It had to be to keep my attention for 3 hours!) The best part was the Lorena Bobbitt skit they did. Their one token black guy was out dancing with her in hot pants, a cut-off sweatshirt and a headband. Complete Carlton dance at that. It took everything I had not to stand up and chant "Go Carlton, Go Carlton, Go Carlton...". It was awesome. At one point she was pulling out props from under a table cloth and I leaned over to dad and said "you know what the main prop would be if this were anywhere else" and two minutes later, I seriously about choked when she pulled out a phallic looking prop... it ended up being a huge folding hunting knife, but for that one brief moment I was sure she had pulled out a huge dildo. It was great. She had me laughing hysterically, tears completely running down my face by the time her skit was over! There was also a suicidal/homicidal clown that I will surely have nightmares about for weeks (I hate clowns!) I was literally shuddering just watching him walk around (Damn Pennywise!!!), but the guy was freaking hilarious! There were a few parts that dragged on a bit (well at least for my .342 second attention span) but all in all it was an AWESOME show!
Sweet I wish I could have gone. Instead, I went to a young womens stake meeting. You know you wish you could have been at my meeting instead!!!
AWWW... I LOVED THAT SHOW. Keith and I went and KEITH liked it... so that says something. Glad you went.
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