Sunday, June 28, 2009

Splash Pad

I picked the boys up this afternoon around 3:30 and hauled them off with me to the splash pad. I figured they could run some energy off, mom & dad could have them out from underfoot for a few hours to get some remodel work done and I could get some sun on my ghostly white legs. Goals 1 & 2: check... goal 3... errr not so much, I'm thinking they need a few more days to lose the florescence. Anyway, of course I took my camera along for the photo opportunity. C.J. was so funny... he kept asking "Are you gonna post that on facebook?" I asked him if I should and he says... "Um, yeah, they need to see me" :) I swear he makes me laugh so hard. We had a great time and the boys played awesome together. We only had one small mishap where Boogie wiped out on a metal grate and took a little chunk out of his knee, but he toughed it out and only cried for a second. Afterward we stopped off at the store and bought some ice cream treats to take home to Mom, Dad & Grandpa who were still working like field hands. Here are a few of our pictures from today :)