I picked the boys up this afternoon around 3:30 and hauled them off with me to the splash pad. I figured they could run some energy off, mom & dad could have them out from underfoot for a few hours to get some remodel work done and I could get some sun on my ghostly white legs. Goals 1 & 2: check... goal 3... errr not so much, I'm thinking they need a few more days to lose the florescence. Anyway, of course I took my camera along for the photo opportunity. C.J. was so funny... he kept asking "Are you gonna post that on facebook?" I asked him if I should and he says... "Um, yeah, they need to see me" :) I swear he makes me laugh so hard. We had a great time and the boys played awesome together. We only had one small mishap where Boogie wiped out on a metal grate and took a little chunk out of his knee, but he toughed it out and only cried for a second. Afterward we stopped off at the store and bought some ice cream treats to take home to Mom, Dad & Grandpa who were still working like field hands. Here are a few of our pictures from today :)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Splash Pad
Posted by JennyRyan at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: CJ, Damien, fun stuff, Jalen, Jenny, splash pad, summer heat
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Playing Catch Up...
May 2006

Happy Birthday to my favorite sister on the Gulf Coast :) Wish I could have been there for everyone's birthday fun.
Baseball season started in May, so of course I have been busy for the last several weeks. A shout out to Uncle Mike for my season tickets, thank you, thank you a million times over!
This is pretty much my view every night of the summer (they'd just thrown down, that's why everyone's all lined up). Love watchin' my boys. They're in first place this year (whoohooo!!) and I'm lovin' it!
Also, at the end of May, Damien graduated from kindergarten. Yay! Congratulations to him! He will be starting full day school as a big first grader! CJ will be starting 2nd grade and Aiden will be going into Kindergarten as well.
In other news, (I know... sooo far behind!!) Lori had her baby on Monday (6/22) afternoon. Trent Allen Jardine was 8 lbs 5 oz and born at 2:50 pm. He is so cute and sweet that he makes my ovaries ache a little. Linda and Lexi (along with sweet baby Hunter) came down to be with her when she had him. We had a great time playing together this week and I'm so sad that they're leaving tomorrow. We went to Pirate Island Pizza tonight for one last outing and had a great time. We sure will miss them. Anyway, on with the pictures... how sweet are these boys?

Posted by JennyRyan at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: annie, Avery, babies, Birthday, Damien, graduation, hunter, lori, roadrunners baseball, trent