Tonight Dad and I went over to Jake and Kesha's house to see CJ on his birthday. We introduced Paw-Paw to the Wii system (crossing my fingers one will appear under my Christmas tree) and now he's hooked. I'm sure that the golf game had something to do with it. Damien was all smiles as he WORKED Paw-Paw in bowling. And I mean bad... by like 50 points. Jalen and I bowled as well and even though I couldn't quite bring myself to throw a game to a three year old, I could take advantage of the fact that he can't read :) He was so excited when the game ended and we whooped and hollered and told him that he'd won.
I also discovered that I am not the only one who has a Mobster obsession. Jake has got it as well. We sat on the couch for quite a while going over strategy and who we need to ice when we get a little more power built up. A perfect family bonding moment.
Kesha lifted my spirits as well by informing me that the new Harry Potter movie release has actually been pushed back to next spring which means my loyalties won't be tested with my two favorite series' movies releasing on the same day. She also read me a memorable Keith quote that will surely go down in family history: (As reported from Annie)
Keith asked me how long to cook the grilled cheese sandwiches and I said, "Just turn 'em over when they're brown." His response? "Brown like Kesha or brown like Jalen?" ;)